蕭凱恩 Siu Hoi Yan, Michelle

蕭凱恩 Siu Hoi Yan, Michelle

我出生三個月時因患眼癌而切除眼球,失去視力,但卻沒有阻礙學習,並在音樂中找到夢想。我在多個音樂比賽中屢獲佳績,曾獲60多項音樂比賽獎項,包括校際音樂及朗誦節的中文、英文及普通話朗誦、中文及外文獨唱和鋼琴獨奏冠軍等。在2017年的第六十九屆香港學校音樂節中,我就獲得公開組中文及外文獨唱比賽的兩項冠軍及Operatic Solo 組別亞軍佳績及殊榮。在2013年,於香港展能藝術會舉辦的「藝無疆:新晉展能藝術家大匯演」獲得「最傑出藝術表現獎」。其後,我在「中國達人秀—香港精英爭霸戰」中擊敗一眾對手,奪得冠軍,代表香港前往上海參賽。2014年七月,獲邀在多倫多舉行的國際獅子會展覽中擔任表演嘉賓,獲得觀眾一致讚賞。我努力不懈,不斷學習,現已考獲英國倫敦聖三一學院LTCL聲樂演奏級及ATCL鋼琴演奏級並獲取優良成績。


I am a blind girl. Due to Eye Cancer Disease, my eyeballs were taken away when I was three-month old. However, I am born gifted in music and singing. My goal is to run a music school for people with disabilities. I have a strong track record in singing competitions, having won more than 60 awards. Consequently, I have been invited to perform at a number of significant local and international events; notably the Arts for the Disabled Association Hong Kong, the Lee Hysan Mini-concert held earlier this year and the Lions Clubs International Foundation in Toronto, Canada. I have obtained the Distinction in Diploma of  LTCL Singing Recital and ATCL Piano Recital at Trinity College London.

I am good at composing as well. I wrote a song about my personal story, and about the encouragement and support of her parents, called Oh Daddy, Oh Mummy. I see myself as a unique musician who can sing and compose songs beyond the ordinary. Blindness is a blessing to me as it empowers me to sing and compose better than others. Nothing can stop me from achieving further in music and I am determined to make my voice heard in the world.